[Book Exhibition x Community Talk] From Hong Kong to the World Through the Eyes of Artists

書展 x 對話 Book Exhibition x Community Talk

From Hong Kong to the World Through the Eyes of Artists


四位來自香港的藝術家及文化工作者 — 演員Debby Leung、電影工作者羅志明、多媒體藝術家譚浩及音樂創作人handwash — 將會分享他們在加拿大的創作歷程,面對環境轉變的挑戰與啟發,並探討在藝術創作及發表的過程中如何游走於不同文化、記憶、語言及身份之間。

In the public conversation, four artists and cultural practitioners from Hong Kong– actor Debby Leung, filmmaker Jimmy Lo, multimedia artist Ho Tam, and musician handwash — will share their creative journeys in Canada, from challenges to inspirations. Together they will also explore how art empowers the traveling between cultures, memories, languages, and identities.



In the book exhibition, Chinese-language books about Hong Kong art and culture and and second-hand Chinese-language books will be available for purchase. The revenue generated will be donated to Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society.

日期: 2025 年4月26日 (星期六)
時間: 3-5pm (對話 Conversation); 12:30-3pm and 5-6pm (書展 Book Exhibition)
地點: 卑詩大學 UBC Asian Center Auditorium
地址: 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 | 地圖 Map | 泊車 Parking
語言: 廣東話

Event in Cantonese. Open to all. Free admission. Registration required.

活動由UBC 共研香江計劃 及 溫哥華香港協進會 共同協辦。
The event is co-organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and the Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society.

Book Exhibition x Community Talk

From Hong Kong to the World Through the Eyes of Artists

In this public conversation, several artists and cultural practitioners from Hong Kong will share their creative journeys in Canada, from challenges to inspirations. Together they will also explore how art empowers the traveling between cultures, memories, languages, and identities.

Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 3-5pm (public conversation); 12:30-3pm and 5-6pm (book exhibition)
Venue: Asian Center Auditorium, University of British Columbia
Address: 1871 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 | Directions | Parking
Language: Cantonese

Open to all. Free admission.

The event is co-organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and the Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society.

Participating Artists


Instagram: @handwashhk

handwash is a musician and producer born and raised in Hong Kong, now based in Vancouver. His work explores themes of masculinity and Asian identity, with a particular focus on the unique experiences of the Hong Kong diaspora.

The name handwash draws inspiration from washing instruction labels, symbolizing the personal and intricate connection between garments and music. His compositions are shaped by everyday experiences, offering a relatable and innovative perspective on Cantonese hip-hop.

Rooted deeply in his culture and language, handwash continually expands his musical palette, exploring diverse methods of creation. Influenced by experimental dance music and the use of hardware synthesizers, his latest album, Comme des Garçons, delves into his experiences growing up in post-colonial Hong Kong. The album combines the dynamic rhythms of drum and bass with synthesized percussion, pioneering a fresh path for Cantonese dance music.

handwash (手冼)係一位土生土長香港嘅音樂人同製作人,現居溫哥華。佢嘅創作聚焦於男性氣質、亞洲身份認同,同時特別探索香港移民嘅獨特經歷,將文化同個人經歷融入音樂之中。


佢最近嘅專輯《Comme des Garçons》以鼓打低音節奏同合成器打擊樂為基礎,結合實驗性舞曲創作手法,深入描繪殖民地後香港成長嘅複雜情感。專輯唔單止反映佢對文化根源嘅重視,仲為廣東話電子音樂開拓新方向,突顯佢獨特嘅音樂風格。


Instagram: @ourtheathrematters





Debby Leung is from Hong Kong and has been active in theater and film as an actor since 2006. After completing a program in applied theater and drama education, she combined her background in social work to use applied theater as a tool for community service and artistic engagement.

After relocating to Vancouver, she now lives on the unceded traditional territories of the xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. Her creative work focuses on immigration and identity. As a director, playwright, and actor, she has presented the play "No Fixed Address People" in Vancouver and the devised theater piece "Drift" in Taiwan. She also leads the "Theatre Matters" project, which uses applied theater to guide Hong Kong immigrants in exploring their emotions, as well as their concepts of identity and home.

In addition, Debby hosts a Cantonese podcast that discusses social issues in Vancouver. Through this platform, she aims to raise awareness of various social topics within the Chinese community and to foster greater engagement and a sense of belonging.

Recently, she joined a film production team in various roles, with the goal of adapting her creative works into films in the future. With her background in theater, social work, and storytelling, she continues to explore new ways to bring impactful narratives to diverse media.


Jimmy LO

Instagram: @jimmylocm

Jimmy Lo is a filmmaker and film educator from Hong Kong. His debut documentary film Stories of Pang Jai won Best Feature and Best Cinematography at Vancouver Asian Film Festival and was nominated for the Human Rights Award at the South Taiwan Film Festival, also screened internationally. Jimmy teaches documentary production at universities and co-curates UBC Asian Independent Cinema Showcase (with Dr. Helena Wu). Jimmy holds an MFA in Film Production from The University of British Columbia.

羅志明 (Jimmy Lo) 生於香港,畢業於加拿大卑詩大學電影藝術創作碩士。自2015年,用八年時間紀錄棚仔保育運動。紀錄片《風吹布動》榮獲溫哥華亞洲電影節最佳長片及最佳長片攝影,並獲台灣南方影展提名人權關懷獎。電影曾於多國進行放映。羅氏在大學任教紀錄片及電影課程。他(與胡婉慧博士)為亞洲獨立電影展 (AICS) 的共同發起及策展人。



Websites: ho-tam.com | hotampress.com
Instagram: @hotampress
Facebook: Hotam Press

Ho Tam is a Hong Kong-born Canadian artist whose diverse practice spans video, photography, painting, drawing, graphic design, and print media. His work frequently explores themes of mass media representation, race, and identity politics. Tam has exhibited his art in galleries and film festivals across Canada and internationally. Over the past decade, he has focused on independent publishing under his imprint, Hotam Press.

Tam received a BA from McMaster University and an MFA from Bard College (NY). From 1996 to 1997, he was a participant at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program. His video work has earned several accolades, including Best Documentary at the Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival and the Outstanding Artistic Achievement Award at OutFest in Los Angeles, both for his 2006 film Books of James. From 2004 to 2010, he taught full time at the University of Victoria, BC. Since the 2010s, Tam has been focusing on independent publishing of artist books and zines, and currently he manages a bookshop/gallery in Vancouver, BC.


譚浩本科畢業於麥克斯特大學,後在紐約巴德學院獲得藝術碩士。1996-1997年,他參與了惠特尼獨立學習項目。他的錄像作品曾多次獲獎。他2006年的影片《Books of James》,在特拉维夫國際LGBT電影節獲最佳紀錄片獎,又在Outfest洛杉磯同志影展獲出色藝術成就獎。2004-2010年,在維多利亞大學教書。2010年後,他開始著手藝術書籍和小誌的獨立印刷,在溫哥華經營自己的書店/畫廊。


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