Research Projects

HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Miu Chung Yan (Social Work) is conducting Survey Study (Second Wave) on Hong Kong Residents Recently Arrived in Canada.

HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Miu Chung Yan (Social Work) and collaborators are conducting a qualitative study to understand how emigrants from Hong Kong who have moved to Canada, the United Kingdom or Taiwan have settled and integrated themselves into the local communities.

HKSI faculty associate Dr. Miu Chung Yan (Social Work) is conducting a Survey Study on Hong Kong Residents Recently Arrived in Canada.

The 79-day Umbrella Movement of 2014 was a watershed moment in the history of Hong Kong. Not only has the protest movement transformed the political and social dynamics of the city, it has also deeply affected overseas Hong Kong/Chinese communities. Though most would agree that the Umbrella Movement has been transformative, how such transformations are perceived or felt by individuals is much less well documented. Our goal for this project is to create a publicly accessible oral history archive to enable future students and researchers to learn more about the impacts of the Umbrella Movement on the Hong Kong community in Vancouver.

Hong Kong in Photographs: Mapping Daily Life in the 1950s and 1960s is a digital humanities project that plotted a series of old photographs taken around Hong Kong onto a map of present-day Hong Kong.