Investigators: Dr. Miu Chung Yan (Principal), Dr. Barbara Lee, and Dr. Mooly Wong
HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Miu Chung Yan (Social Work) and collaborators are conducting a qualitative study to understand how emigrants from Hong Kong who have moved to Canada, the United Kingdom or Taiwan have settled and integrated themselves into the local communities. The study will also explore how such settlement and integration processes have influenced the emigrants’ perceived identities as well as their connections with both Hong Kong and their host countries.
Interviewees should be between 25 and 50 years old (at the time of their arrival in Canada), should have moved with their immediate family directly from Hong Kong to Canada (particularly Toronto or Vancouver), and should have resided in Canada for at least 12 months. Each interview will take between 90 to 120 minutes and will be audio-taped. As a token of appreciation, each participant will receive an honorarium of CAD 30.
Interested participants should contact Dr. Mooly Wong ( or Dr. Miu Chung Yan (
不安定中的安頓: 在加拿大、英國和台灣的香港僑民的定性研究
研究員:殷妙仲博士(首席)、Dr. Barbara Lee 及黃美菁博士
自 2020 年年中以來,香港居民出現了新一波大規模向外遷徙潮,尤其是去英國、台灣和加拿大。這波新一波香港移民的安頓和融合過程和經歷,往往受到東道國的政策、政 治、文化和經濟背景,以及他們與香港的跨國聯繫的影響。 最近,我們團隊剛剛完成了 一項關於自 2015 年以來,返回/抵達加拿大的香港居民的在線調查。為了進一步開展這項研究,我們正在進行一項定性研究,以了解移居加拿大、英國和台灣的香港移民如何安頓和融合在當地區。本研究還將探討他們的安頓和融入過程,如何影響他們對東道國和香港的認同感和聯繫。
如果您的年齡介於 25 至 50 歲(以抵達加拿大計算)之間,並且與您的直系親屬,直接從香港移居到加拿大,特別是居住在(多倫多或溫哥華),超過 12 個月,請您考慮參加一次 90 至 120 分鐘的面對面(或網上)訪談。採訪將被錄音。作為這項研究的參與者,您將收到 30 加元的酬金,作為對您參與的小小感謝。
如果您對這項研究感興趣,請與黃美菁博士 ( 或殷妙仲博士 ( 聯繫。