Recent Publications

Check out this chapter from the book Digital China by HKSI Co-Convenor Dr. Helena Wu

Check out this article by HKSI Co-Convenor Dr. Helena Wu

Check out Dr. Helena Wu's review on the English translation of Hong Kong writer Dung Kai-cheung's book “A Catalog of Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On" by Bonnie S. McDougall & Anders Hansson (Columbia UP, 2022) in Asian Studies Review

An article on the use of Cantonese humor in teaching Hong Kong coauthored by Charles Lam and HKSI Faculty Associate Raymond Pai

Check out this journal article by HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Renren Yang

Check out this research article by HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Jamie Peck

A research article on spectatorship in post-millennial Hong Kong by HKSI Co-Convenor Dr. Helena Wu

Check out this latest book by HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Shannon Walsh

Check out this article by HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Jamie Peck

Congratulations to HKSI Emeritus Associate Dr. David Ley on the publication of his latest book, which examines the housing markets in Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Vancouver, and London