Recent Publications

Check out Dr. Yan's co-authored work in Journal of International Migration and Integration

Dr. Helena Wu spoke in the Academic Online series "Digital Harassment Across Asias", as part of the Digital Dialogue of the Association of Asian Studies (AAS), on 16 February 2022

Check out Dr. Yu's commentary published on Georgia Straight.

Check out the latest book by Prof. Diana Lary.

Check out the latest co-authored book by Dr. Christopher Rea and Dr. Thomas S. Mullaney.

Check out Ryan Sun's research article on the Holocaust and Hong Kong

Check out this latest co-authored article by Kennedy Chi-pan Wong and Dr. Miu Chung Yan.

Check out the latest article contributed by Dr. Helena Wu to Critical Asia Archives.

Check out a report on UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative by Dr. Helena Wu.

Check out Dr. Christopher Rea of UBC Asian Studies’ new work on early Chinese cinema. .  . .