Recent Publications

Check out the report published by UBC School of Social Work

Check out this journal article by HKSI Co-Convenor Dr. Helena Wu and Ray Kwok-Wai Lai

Check out Prof. Josephine Chiu-Duke's book In Search of Liberty: Lin Yusheng’s Life and Thought

Check out this journal article by HKSI Faculty Associate Dr. Jamie Peck

Check out Dr. Helena Wu's book chapter “Revisiting Hong Kong’s Myth of Success: Alternating Utopian and Dystopian Forces in the (New) Lion Rock Spirit”

Check out Dr. Helena Wu's journal article "The making of the citizen-spectator in postmillennial Hong Kong: Authorial and spectatorial engagement with independent documentary films"

Check out Dr. Helena Wu's review on the translation of Dung Kai-cheung's A Catalog of Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On by Bonnie S. McDougall & Anders Hansson

Check out Dr. Helena Wu's chapter “Shangshan ruoshui / seung sin yeuk seui / excel like water: Media Dynamics and Multiple Realities” in the book Concepts: A Travelogue