HKSI faculty associate Dr. Miu Chung Yan (Social Work) is conducting a Survey Study on Hong Kong Residents Recently Arrived in Canada. The goal is to better inform public policy and support the newly arrived Hong Kong residents who have returned as Canadian citizens or who moved to Canada through various channels including the Permanent Residence Pathways introduced by the Canadian government in 2021.
You are invited to participate in this survey if
a. You returned/moved to Canada on or after January 1, 2015, and
b. You are 19 years old or above, and
c. 10 years before your recent return/move to Canada, you resided in Hong Kong consecutively for at least five years, and
d. At this time, you have lived in Canada consecutively for at least six months, and
e. You are currently living in Canada.
To access the survey please click this link: