[Community Conversation] The Story of Hong Kong Literature《香港文學大系》與香港文學史

[Updated 17 April 2018: For friends who might have missed this community conversation, here are the photo album and media coverage.]

Thursday, 8 March 2018, 7:30 pm
Richmond Public Library
7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond
Free and open to the public (Program in Cantonese)

A City Inscribed event. Registration is strongly encouraged.

Hong Kong literature has long been ignored. Current historical accounts of it were mostly produced by Mainland scholars at about the time of the 1997 handover. The quality and accuracy of these narratives are always a concern. Aiming to preserve the best writings and to present Hong Kong literature in a systematic way, the project of the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949 is the first attempt to configure the framework of Hong Kong literary history from a local but broadminded perspective.

Kwok Kou Leonard Chan is Chair Professor of Chinese Literature and Director of the Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture at the Education University of Hong Kong. His fields of interest are: Chinese poetry and poetics, literary historiography, and Hong Kong literature. His recent works include The Conception of Lyrical China (2013) and Hong Kong in Its History of Lyricism (2016). He is also the chief editor of the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949 (12 vols; 2014–2016).

香港文學一直備受輕視與忽略,其歷史發展幾乎無從說起。在1997年前後出現不少由大陸學界撰寫的香港文學史,但當中頗見疏漏粗糙。事實上,從1980年代開始,香港文壇已經倡議編輯「香港文學大系」,以搜羅文獻,追踪軌跡,作為香港文學史書寫的準備;可惜這個構思一直未能實現。2014年到2016年,十二卷本《香港文學大系 1919–1949》終於面世。這是本地學者經營多年的成果,以立足本土,放眼世界為編纂宗旨;其間因緣,值得與更多關心香港的朋友分享。

陳國球,香港教育大學中國文學講座教授,中國文學文化研究中心總監;研究範圍包括中國詩與詩學、文學史學,以及香港文學;近著有《抒情中國論》(2013)、《香港的抒情史》(2016)等;又主編《香港文學大系 1919–1949》(十二卷,2014-2016)

This community conversation is organized by the Hong Kong Studies Initiative and co-sponsored by the Department of Asian Studies, the Modern Chinese Culture Seminar, the Centre for Chinese Research, the Chinese Canadian Writers’ Association, and the Richmond Public Library.

Registration (Program in Cantonese)

Online registration is now closed. To find out if it is still possible to attend, please email us @ hksi.ubc@ubc.ca.