Has the death of Cantopop been exaggerated? How should we make sense of the widely-perceived decline of Cantonese popular music? Please join Ms. Brenda Lo and Prof. Stephen Yiu-wai Chu, both veteran observers of the popular music scene in Hong Kong, in a lively and memorable exploration of the lives of Cantopop.
Brenda Lo is Senior Vice President of Fairchild Radio Vancouver. Prior to her arrival in Canada in the 1990s, Ms. Lo had been a popular DJ at Commercial Radio 2 in Hong Kong and a well-known recording artist and actress (having apeared in movies such as the iconic “An Autumn’s Tale”). To this day, she still hosts a daily music program, “Brenda’s Jukebox,” on AM 1470, and a weekly program, “Only on Sundays,” on FM 96.1.
Stephen Yiu-wai Chu is Professor and Director of the Hong Kong Studies Programme in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Hong Kong. He has published more than 20 books, including Lost in Transition: Hong Kong Culture in the Age of China (2013) and Hong Kong Cantopop: A Concise History (2017). He is also the chief editor of two Chinese-language book series on Hong Kong published by Chung Hwa Book Company: “Cultural Hong Kong” and “Hong Kong Popular Lyricists.”
粵語流行音樂的前世今生──與盧業瑂及朱耀偉對話 (粵語)
八零年代留學美國 University of Kansas,返港後加入麗的電視,制作「亞洲業餘歌唱大賽」,見証才十七歲的張國榮在娛樂圈啓航。同期亦與區瑞強在民歌餐廳演出。之後加入商業電台成為 6 PAIR 半 DJ 成員。稍後加盟 CBS、SONY 及 EMI,《為甚麼》、《泥路上》和《甜甜廿四味》成為大家熟悉的歌曲。間中客串電影, 如《秋天的童話》、《喝采》、《檸檬可樂》、《我愛夜來香》、《壞女孩》等等。移民加拿大後,效力加拿大中文電台,主持「Brenda 點唱機」、「無瑂不至」,現任高級副總裁一職。
現任香港大學現代語言文化學院教授,香港研究課程主任,研究範圍以後殖民論述、全球化及香港文化為主,著有專書二十餘種,包括 Lost in Transition: Hong Kong Culture in the Age of China (Albany: SUNY Press, 2013) and Hong Kong Cantopop: A Concise History (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2017),並為香港中華書局「文化香港系列」及「香港詞人系列」叢書主編。
The UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative gratefully acknowledges the following academic and community partners for their generous support: Faculty of Arts, Department of Asian Studies, Department of History, Centre for Chinese Research, St. John’s College, Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society, Fairchild Radio Vancouver, and, of course, Richmond Public Library.
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(Update: 28 April 2017) We would like to thank all who came out to take part in our conversation. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and we look forward to seeing you again in future events. Please consider signing up for the HKSI mailing list.