[Updated 15 February 2020: We regret to inform you that this event has been cancelled.]
Community Conversation 粵語座談會
Tuesday, 3 March 2020, 7–9 pm
“One Country, Two Systems”: Past and Future「一國兩制」在香港的實踐:回顧與前瞻
Prof. Albert Chen 陳弘毅教授 (University of Hong Kong)
Commentator 對談嘉賓: Mr. Tommy Tao 陶永強律師
Atrium, Richmond Cultural Centre
7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond
*Program in Cantonese
Free admission
香港的反修例抗爭,發展至今,已成為雨傘運動後另一波大型民主運動,亦因此再次引起大家對「一國兩制」作為一個憲法原則的關注和討論。「一國兩制」是否已經成功落實?還是已然名存實亡?當大部分香港人所嚮往的是一個自由和民主的社會的時候,成功 的「一國兩制」應該是何模樣?在這場座談會,香港大學陳弘毅教授會從法律角度,解讀「一國兩制」在香港實踐的情況,並探討香港如何在「一國兩制」的框架下繼續走下去。
The on-going protests in Hong Kong have once again fueled fierce debates about the state of “one country, two systems,” the constitutional principle that has served as the overarching framework for the governance of the Special Administrative Region since its handover to the People’s Republic of China in 1997. Has “one country, two systems” been a complete success? Or has it been an utter failure? How has this principle been actually put into practice? And as the people of Hong Kong have time and again demonstrated their desire for a free and democratic society, how would “one country, two systems” work?
Albert H. Y. Chen received his undergraduate and postgraduate education at the University of Hong Kong (LLB, PCLL) and Harvard University (LLM) respectively. He is currently the Cheng Chan Lan Yue Professor of Constitutional Law in the Department of Law, University of Hong Kong, and a member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee.
His main areas of teaching and research are constitutional law and legal philosophy. In addition to over 200 articles or chapters published in various English-language and Chinese-language journals and books, he has written several books, including: An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China (LexisNexis, 5th ed. 2018), The Rule of Law, Enlightenment and the Spirit of Modern Law (1998; in Chinese), The World of Jurisprudence (2003; in Chinese); The Trajectory of the Rule of Law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2010; in Chinese); and The World of Constitutional Law (2014; in Chinese).
This community conversation is jointly organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and the Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society and co-sponsored by: Department of Asian Studies, Centre for Chinese Research, and Centre for Asian Legal Studies.