[Meet-the-Filmmaker] Hong Kong New Directors in Conversation: HO Cheuk Tin & KA Sing Fung 香港新生代導演對談: 何爵天 x 賈勝楓



























香港新生代導演對談:何爵天 x 賈勝楓
Hong Kong New Directors in Conversation: HO Cheuk Tin & KA Sing Fung

Date: Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Time: 19:00 – 20:30 PDT
Venue: Place of Many Trees, Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia
(6476 NW Marine Drive, Vancouver, V6T 1Z2)

This in person event is free of charge and open to all. Limited seats available. Registration required.

新晉導演何爵天及賈勝楓均於2022年推出首部劇情電影,並獲得廣泛迴響。何爵天憑法庭電影《正義迴廊》,獲得2023年度香港電影金像獎新晉導演獎。賈勝楓以寄養家庭為題創作《流水落花》,探討寄養家長與孩子的關係。兩位導演將會分享個人創作經驗,以及電影製作點滴。作為新一代電影工作者,兩位導演如何透過映像訴說當下城市的故事,以電影聯繫身處不同地域的觀眾? 與此同時,香港電影又能否再次在海外市場大展拳腳?



Directors HO Cheuk Tin 何爵天 and KA Sing Fung 賈勝楓 will share their filmmaking experience in Hong Kong since the release of their debut feature-length films “The Sparring Partner” and “Lost Love”, respectively, in 2022. Between challenges and aspirations, how does a new generation of directors navigate the cultural landscape of Hong Kong and beyond? Meanwhile, how do Hong Kong films respond to the growth of the diasporic audience?

Director Ho will meet the audience in person. The event will be conducted in Cantonese.

導演簡介 何爵天


2022年,他的首部劇情電影《正義迴廊》正式上畫。電影在香港上映後叫好叫座,直至現時為止已是香港電影史上最賣座的三級電影。《正義迴廊》於第41屆香港電影金像獎共獲16項獎項提名,而何爵天亦憑電影於獲頒2022年度「香港電影導演會年度大獎 新晉導演」及 第41屆「香港電影金像獎 新晉導演」。何導演的最新作品《死屍死時四十四》是黑色喜劇,剛於4月在香港公映,並將於5月19日在加拿大上映。

Born in 1987, HO Cheuk Tin is a graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, with a major in directing. After graduation, he participated in a wide range of projects, from feature-length film projects ("Unbeatable" and "To the Fore"), commercials, to music videos. He directed "Yau Kee Car Master", a documentary about old shops in Sham Shui Po, and took part in "Below the Lion Rock", a TV program produced by Radio Television Hong Kong. Ho is also a founding member of the group "Mocking Jer".

Ho's first feature-length film "The Sparring Partner" was released in 2022. This courtroom true-crime drama has taken Hong Kong by storm, becoming the highest-grossing Category III film to date. The film received 16 nominations including Best Film and Best Director at the Hong Kong Film Awards. Ho was named the Best New Director of the year. Director Ho’s latest work is Over My Dead Body, a black comedy which was has just been released in Hong Kong in April and will open in Canada on May 19.

導演簡介 賈勝楓

導演、編劇賈勝楓曾任記者。2017年開始拍攝不同類型的影片,包括紀錄片、劇情短片、音樂微電影等。 2017年拍攝的紀錄短片《粥店日與夜》獲得新加坡傳媒出版聯會 (MPAS) 頒發年度最佳影片; 2018年編導鮮浪潮競賽短片《飛往父親的鳥》,同年與比利時導演 Kato De Boeck 合導同屆鮮浪 潮閉幕影片《雞蛋仔》; 2019年編導音樂微電影《小巴1043天》,獲得第七屆「創+作」最佳編劇、最佳製作銀奬及最佳男演員銀奬; 2020年編導音樂微電影《埋單》。

2019年以聯合編劇及導演身份參加第六屆「首部劇情電影計劃」,作品《流水落花》成為得獎項目,獲得政府八百萬資金開拍個人首部電影長片作品。《流水落花》為2022年香港亞洲電影節閉幕電影之一,並於同年在香港上映。《流水落花》為香港電影評論學會2023年度推薦電影之一,於同年四月獲邀成為第25屆意大利烏甸尼「遠東電影節」「Making Waves - Navigators of Hong Kong Cinema」項目參展電影,並獲得 White Mulberry Award for a First Feature Film (Special Mention) 。女主角鄭秀文亦憑此電影奪得多項最佳女主角獎項。

A former journalist, KA Sing Fung has directed and written several short films, including documentary "The Art of Cantonese-style Congee" in 2017, the 13th Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival entry "A Bird Goes By", and the closing short film "Gai Dan Chai" (co-directed and co-written with Belgian director Kato De Boeck) in 2019.

His musical short "1043rd Day on Minibus" won Best Microfilm Silver Award, Best Microfilm Actor, and Best Microfilm Screenplay at the 7th Microfilm Project in 2019. He directed and wrote the short film "Check please" in 2020.

In 2019, Lost Love, Ka's feature-length film project, was selected by the 6th First Feature Film Initiative and received a funding of HK$8 million from the Film Development Fund. Lost Love, directed and co-written by Ka, was one of the closing films of the 19th Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF) in 2022. In April 2023, the film received the White Mulberry Award - Special Mention at the Udine Far East Film Festival and the Best Actress and the Best Original Film Song awards at the 41st Hong Kong Film Awards.


The visit+conversation is co-organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative, and Illume Films; and supported by community partner HK House.


Registration for Hong Kong New Directors in Conversation: HO Cheuk Tin & KA Sing Fung 香港新生代導演對談:何爵天 X 賈勝楓