[26 February 2020: Here are some photos of the event]
Wednesday, 12 February 2020, 12:30 pm
City in Protest: Observations from the Field
Dr. Miu Chung Yan (School of Social Work, UBC)
Buchanan Tower 1197
1873 East Mall, Vancouver
A City in Protest event
The on-going protests in Hong Kong are, in many ways, unprecedented. Many who had kept silent or who had become politically disenchanted after the Umbrella Movement have, since June of 2019, taken their demands to the streets. Having just spent part of his administrative leave in Hong Kong, Prof. Yan was able to directly experience this movement. In this informal talk, Prof. Yan will share some personal observations and discuss possible implications the protests have on the future of Hong Kong.
Miu Chung Yan is Professor of Social Work at UBC and a faculty associate of the Hong Kong Studies Initiative. He is also President of the Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society.