[Community Talk] The Taste of Hong Kong Cinema

[Updated 4 October 2022: For those who might have missed this talk, here are the photos.]

Public Talk
Saturday, 1 October 2022, 18:00 – 19:00 PDT
The Taste of Hong Kong Cinema
Dr. Helena Wu, University of British Columbia
Chinatown Storytelling Centre, 168 E Pender Street, Vancouver

What does food tell us about Hong Kong cinema? This talk will explore selected reels where food-memory and imagination bring forth a myriad of comic, sentimental, and even chilling effects. The event will be conducted in Cantonese.

Registration: www.eventbrite.com/e/food-and-memory-the-taste-of-hong-kong-cinema-tickets-416794462457

Details: https://www.chinatownstorytellingcentre.org/events

The event is co-organized by the Chinatown Storytelling Centre and the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative; and is sponsored by Stanley Park Brewing.