[Talk] Minority Tactical ‘Be-longing’: Conviviality through Participation among South Asian Youths in Hong Kong 

Minority Tactical ‘Be-longing’: Conviviality through Participation among South Asian Youths in Hong Kong
Thursday, 16 February 2023, 17:00-18:00 PST
Dr. Lisa Y.M. Leung (Lingnan University Hong Kong )

The speaker will deliver the talk on Zoom.
Registrants are welcome to join the talk remotely or attend the live-streaming session at BUCH B211, Buchanan Building, UBC (1866 Main Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1)1

A City Rebegins Event. Registration required.

About the talk:

Second and third generation South Asian minorities in Hong Kong, being subjected to different forms of marginalization, have developed an ambivalent sense of belonging to Hong Kong. In this webinar, I hope to discuss the tactical agency of these minority youths in their complex and diverse engagement in social, cultural and political realms in the territory. Citing various cases from my years of research, I discuss how they engage in arts and social media as creative (mediated) tactics to assert their identity against the Chinese majority, while desiring their recognition as ‘Hong Konger’, also through committing to struggles for democracy and cultural diversity. I will also address the community building strategies and challenges of the diverse ethnic minority population in postmillennial Hong Kong.

About the speaker:

Dr. Lisa Y.M. Leung is Associate Professor of Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University Hong Kong. She has researched and published extensively in the area of transnational media circulation. Her recent research focuses on minority, migration and race. She is co-author of the book Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong (HKU Press, 2014). Her second book, Ethnic Minorities, Media and Participation: Creative Belonging in Hong Kong (Routledge, 2021), examines the diverse participation of migrant / minority youths to struggle for recognition, while desiring to belong. Her latest research explores the added precarities facing racial minority workers in the age of digitized capitalism.


This webinar is organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative; and is generously co-sponsored by: Department of Asian Studies, Department of History, Centre for Chinese Research, Department of Theatre and Film, Public Humanities Hub, and the School of Social Work.


Registration for “[Webinar] Minority Tactical ‘Be-longing’: Conviviality through Participation among South Asian youths in Hong Kong