[Updated 10 January 2022: For those who might have missed this webinar, here are the webcast and the photos.]
Friday, 10 December 2021, 17:00–18:30 PST
Voice After Exit: How Transnational Ties Shape Hong Kong Americans’ Political Engagement and Voting Behavior
Dr. Maggie Shum and Prof. Victoria Hui, University of Notre Dame
via Zoom
A City Reassembled event
Registration required
Dr. Maggie Shum and Prof. Victoria Hui will introduce their on-going project “Hong Kong Voices in the U.S.” that examines how diaspora’s transnational ties with their homeland shape their political attitude and behavior in the host country. Against the backdrop of the recent political turmoil in Hong Kong and the 2020 presidential election in the U.S., their study aims to gauge the tug and pull dynamics that Hong Kong Americans have to navigate between prioritizing their domestic interests in the U.S. and concerns with the well-being and status of Hong Kong. Shum and Hui will present preliminary findings from their original survey on where Hong Kong Americans stand on the issue of dual loyalty (between Hong Kong and the U.S.), as well as how cultural, relational, and political aspect of transnational ties afford the Hong Kong diasporas to play critical roles in contentious politics and social change for their home, and thus gaining back their “voice after exit”.
Maggie Shum is a Postdoctoral Research and Program Associate of the Global Policy Initiative in the Keough School of Global Affairs at the University of Notre Dame. Her research focuses on contentious-electoral politics, transnational network, and diaspora political behavior. She also studies party politics and participatory mechanisms in Latin America. Shum is a co-investigator on the “Hong Kong Voices in the U.S.” project that explores the role of transnational ties and identity in shaping Hong Kong Americans’ political attitude and engagement in the U.S. Her article “When Voting Turnout Becomes Contentious Repertoire: How Anti-ELAB Protest Overtook the District Council Election in Hong Kong 2019” is forthcoming in the Japanese Journal of Political Science. She has also written for The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage, The Diplomat, and Mischiefs of Faction.
Victoria Tin-bor Hui is Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Notre Dame. Hui studies contentious politics and Hong Kong’s democracy movement. She has testified at Congress and written for Foreign Affairs, Journal of Democracy, The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage, The Diplomat, and other channels. Hui also examines the centrality of war in Chinese history. She has published on state formation, constitutional rights, Confucian pacifism or Confucian confusion, coercive cultural homogenization and genocide in Chinese history. She is a Council on Foreign Relations-International Affairs fellow with the Congressional Executive Commission on China in 2021–22. Before her academic career, Hui worked as the press officer for the then United Democrats of Hong Kong and its chair, Martin Lee.
This webinar is organized by the UBC Hong Kong Studies Initiative and co-sponsored by: Department of Asian Studies, Department of History, Centre for Chinese Research, Centre for Migration Studies, Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies, Public Humanities Hub, and the Interdisciplinary Histories Research Cluster.
Registration for: “Voice After Exit: How Transnational Ties Shape Hong Kong Americans’ Political Engagement and Voting Behavior”
Registration for this event is now closed.