Alumnus Associate
Kennedy is an Alumnus Associate of HKSI. He graduated from UBC in the spring of 2019 and is now a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at the University of Southern California. Treating immigrants as “actors” for global changes, his Ph.D. dissertation looks at the relationship between local politics in the homeland and hostland and the wider geopolitical dynamics that shapes the different dimensions of migrant political activism. Specifically, his research focuses on how Hongkongers in the United States and Canada form coalitions with other immigrants (e.g. with Burmese, Taiwanese, and Thai as the #MilkTeaAlliance) to organize different forms of collective actions and maintain the “homeward-ness, inward-ness, and outward-ness” of their political community.
In addition, Kennedy has been working closely with HKSI Associate Dr. Miu Chung Yan of the School of Social Work on the topic of “re-return migration” between Hong Kong and Canada. Their research has recently been published in the Journal of International Migration and Integration, titled “Leaving the Homeland Again for Our Family’s Future: Post-return Migration Among Hong Kong Canadians.”
Also, Kennedy is a co-investigator of “After the Protest: A Vancouver Archive of the Umbrella Movement of 2014,” an oral history project led by HKSI Convenor Dr. Leo K. Shin.
To learn more about Kennedy’s research and teaching, please visit his personal website.
Personal website: