UBC-V School of Social Work research team, the Department of Sociology Infrastructure and Integration Lab , and Hong Kong Studies Initiative are conducting a second wave of online survey with the support of UBC-V Hong Kong Studies Initiative. The purposes of the study are to help Canadian government and social service organizations better understand the needs of recently arrived/returned Hong Kong residents and to provide better settlement, health and mental health services to them. If you meet the following criteria, please help filling the questionnaire
a. You returned/moved to Canada on or after January 1, 2015, and
b. You are 19 or above years old, and
c. 10 years prior to your recent return/move to Canada, you resided in Hong Kong consecutively for over five years, and
d. You are currently living in Canada.
You can answer the survey in English or Chinese. The survey is anonymous and you will not be asked for your personal and contact information. If you are interested in taking the survey here is the click here to start the survey: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_da10kRrFtd3vQlE. The survey will take about 20 minutes.
UBC社會工作學院,社會學系基礎設施和整合實驗室,和共研香江正展開一項,由殷妙仲教授領導的,“新來加香港人(第二輪”的問卷調查。我們希望收集到的數據,能幫助加拿大政府和社會服務機構更明白移居加拿大港人的需要,從而有效地為他們提供相應的移民,健康和心理衛生服務。 如果你符合以下條件,懇請幫忙填答問卷
1. 2015年1月1號後先移居/回流加拿大
2. 19歲或以上
3. 移居/回流加拿大前10年,你在香港住過至少5年
4. 你現在在加拿大居住
問卷可用中文或英文,並以不記名方式進行,不需要提供任何私人資料和聯絡方法,有興趣的朋友可以用按此聯結:https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_da10kRrFtd3vQlE 填答問卷。需時約20分鐘。