Victor Lam

The 79-day Umbrella Movement of 2014 was a watershed moment in the history of Hong Kong. Not only has the protest movement transformed the political and social dynamics of this former British colony, it has also deeply affected overseas Hong Kong and Chinese communities.

Here is the story of Victor.

Project details and other interviews:


Victor Lam is a self-identified “half Hong Konger.” Though he grew up in Vancouver, he has long followed the politics of Hong Kong, where he was born and from where his family has emigrated. It so happened that, after having completed his undergraduate studies in 2014, Victor opted to return to Hong Kong to work as a research assistant in a university. It was not his plan to witness the Umbrella Movement in person, but, in hindsight, it was certainly an eye-opening experience.

Victor was, and is, sympathetic to the goals of the Umbrella Movement. He considers it “unbelievable” that the people of Hong Kong are still unable to freely elect the city’s chief executives and legislators. And though he could only follow the developments from Canada through online media when the Umbrella Movement erupted, he was much upset and outraged by the police use of tear gas and the forced dispersal of the protestors.

After he had arrived in the city in mid-October, 2014, Victor made an effort to visit all the Occupy areas in part, in his words, out of curiosity. He was struck by the different vibes in different areas, and he was especially impressed by the myriad ways public spaces in Hong Kong had been reimagined during that period.

Victor understands the Occupy Movement was not supported by all but believes it was a logical step to take to force the government to negotiate. Like many observers or participants at the time, Victor was hopeful. But seeing the government consistently taking a hard line and realizing the one formal dialogue between government and student representatives would yield no measurable results, Victor could not but feel disappointed and deflated.

But, still, Victor did not give up on Hong Kong. Following the Umbrella Movement, he decided to join a number of community organizations, in part to do something concrete and helpful for the local residents in question and in part to make use of his professional knowledge on issues related to the environment and land use. For Victor, under the framework of “one country, two systems,” independence is not a subject matter that would get a hearing by the Chinese government. But he seems to believe some version of localism might be a possible middle ground.

With regard to the on-going Anti-Extradition Amendment Bill Movement, it is Victor’s sincere hope that Chief Executive Carrie Lam and her government would listen to the people and do their best to meet the five major demands. While he certainly has reservations about the use of violence by some protesters, for him the ultimate source of the problems is the injustice of the existing system. Victor is admittedly feeling a sense of despair regarding the future of Hong Kong, but, as he would also say, “hope lies with each person.”

22 September 2019

Born in Hong Kong, raised in Vancouver, and a self-identified “half Hongkonger,” Victor Lam is a Master’s student in environmental studies at the University of British Columbia.

Victor Lam 是一位生於香港,長於溫哥華的「半香港人」。即使身在加國,他一直有留意香港的政治及社會時事。2014年本科畢業後,他選擇到香港一間大學擔任研究助理。正值雨傘運動前夕,社會的不穩不但沒有令他卻步,反而讓他覺得可以親身體驗香港少人認識的一面。

Victor 認同雨傘運動的理念,認為香港人至今仍未有雙普選是「匪夷所思」。傘運初期, 他只能透過網上媒體直播及即時新聞追蹤事態,但縱然人在海外,看到警察發射催淚彈、示威者被逼四散的畫面,他不得不感到心酸、憤怒。10月中到達香港後,Victor 懷著好奇心到佔領區觀察,不但感受到區與區之間的不同氣氛,亦體驗到那段期間香港人對公共空間的重新想像。

Victor 明白佔領運動會影響到社會及經濟,但認為這些影響正正就是與政府談判的政治籌碼。跟不少旁觀或參與者一樣,Victor 起初對這場運動是有盼望,但看到政府的強硬​​態度、看到難得的對話最終亦換來不到任何成果,希望最後亦不得不變成失望。

但 Victor 並沒有放棄對香港的關心。傘後的他加入了一些社區組織,一方面希望可以做一些實質的工作協助地方居民,另一方面亦希望利用自己的專業知識參與一些有關環境或土地用途的討論。Victor 認為在「一國兩制」下,獨立思潮在香港不會有出路,但某形式或某程度的本土意識卻是一個可能。

關於近期的反修例運動,Victor 希望政府能順應民意,滿足已提出的五大訴求。對抗爭者使用暴力,他固然有保留,但他明白一切衝擊,其實是源於現有制度的暴力及不公義。對於香港未來,Victor 坦言有絕望的感覺,但「人始終活生生在這裏」,而希望最終還是在於人民。


Victor Lam 是一位生於香港,長於溫哥華的「半香港人」,現正在溫哥華卑詩大學修讀環境學碩士。

Videos of Victor's interview will be available shortly. Please check back.