CNTO Projects

UBC Airline (Mandarin-heritage Basic Section)

The Debt 社團風雲 (Mandarin-heritage Basic Section)

Movie Awards Show 電影金像奬 (Mandarin-heritage Basic Section)

Twilight... in Hong Kong (Non-Mandarin-heritage Basic Section)

The Basic Cantonese II (non-Mandarin heritage section) produced an epic rivalry movie.

The winning work "Sisters' Battle of Chores" by the Non-Mandarin Heritage Beginning Cantonese students: Haruka (Japan), Kim (Canada), and Shaula (Canada).

The winning work "Peppa Pig Macau God of Gamblers Edition" by the Beginning Cantonese Mandarin Section students.

Intermediate Cantonese students Ian and Kevin talk about state-of-the-art transportation technology bridging and linking the world.

Another sibling rivalry saga by the Beginning Cantonese (Non-Mandarin Heritage) students: Chloe (Canada), Geline (Philippines), Pauline (Canada), Shinya (Japan).

Project by beginning Cantonese-language students.