Survivors of the inaugural Hong Kong history class at UBC!
The Hong Kong Studies Initiative Program Fund was established to support the programming priorities of the Hong Kong Studies Initiative (HKSI) at the University of British Columbia, among them:
- course developments and other Hong Kong-related teaching initiatives
- academic lectures, conferences, and workshops
- community outreach and events
Recommendations for programming priorities are made by the Steering Committee of the Hong Kong Studies Initiative in consultation with the Head of the Department of Asian Studies at UBC.
We invite you to join us on this venture. Tax-deductible gifts to the Hong Kong Studies Initiative Program Fund can be made online at http://support.ubc.ca/hksi. Cheques should be made payable to the University of British Columbia, with “Hong Kong Studies Initiative” on the memo line, and mailed to:
Development and Alumni Engagement
The University of British Columbia
500–5950 University Blvd.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6T 1Z3
The University of British Columbia has also established three international charitable foundations for donors living in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Foundation for UBC is recognized as a charity under the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong (business number 444488). All donations to the Foundation will be eligible for tax benefits similar to those received when giving to any other educational or charitable organization in Hong Kong. Please make your gift payable by cheque to The Hong Kong Foundation for UBC Limited. Please note donations by credit card are not accepted through the Hong Kong Foundation.
The Hong Kong Foundation for UBC Limited
Suite 1202, Lee Gardens Six
111 Leighton Road
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Helena Wu
Convenor, Hong Kong Studies Initiative
The University of British Columbia
Anna Collins
Manager of Development | Faculty of Arts
The University of British Columbia
+1 604 827 0008