[Screening+Conversation] AICS Closing Film: Leaving in Sorrow and Conversation with Director Vincent Chui

Asian Independent Cinema Showcase

Screening of LEAVING IN SORROW 憂憂愁愁的走了 and Conversation with Director VINCENT CHUI 崔允信

Friday, 12 April 2024
18:00-20:15 PDT
AERL 120, Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory, UBC
Direction: 2202 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver | Map
Parking: UBC Health Sciences Parkade, 2250 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver | Map

Vincent Chui’s “Leaving in Sorrow” 憂憂愁愁的走了 (2001) is the first Hong Kong production filmed in the “Dogme 95” style and will be featured as the closing film for the 2023/2024 Asian Independent Cinema Showcase. The film portrays Hong Kong in the year of 1997 and how the characters find their lives suddenly turned upside down by events beyond their control. We invite you to revisit this representative work of Hong Kong indie cinema which demonstrates the pursuit of timeless vision and creativity through independent filmmaking.

Director Vincent Chui 崔允信 will participate in a virtual conversation following the screening, which will mark the closing of the 2023/2024 Asian Independent Cinema Showcase.

English subtitles provided, and the post-screening conversation conducted in English.

In-person Event. Free of charge. Limited seats available. Registration required.

Leaving in Sorrow 憂憂愁愁的走了

Directed by Vincent Chui | 2001 | In Cantonese, English | Chinese & English Subtitles | 90 min | Colour | Drama

Watch the trailer (Cantonese only) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5igYYhehoQ[/youtube]

About the Film:

Leaving In Sorrow is a gritty, realistic portrayal of Hong Kong in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis. It is the first Hong Kong production filmed in the “Dogme 95” style, using hand-held cameras, natural lighting, and real locations. The film follows a disparate group of characters–including a pastor, a magazine editor, and a slacker from San Francisco–who find their lives suddenly turned upside down by events beyond their control.

About the Director:

Vincent Chui has been working in the field of independent cinema since 1993. In 1997, he co-founded Ying E Chi with fellow independent filmmakers to promote and distribute independent films in Hong Kong. Vincent released his first feature Leaving in Sorrow in 2001. His second feature Fear of Intimacy was selected in competition in the 2004 Moscow International Film Festival. Following that, he completed three features, namely Three Narrow Gates, Love is Elsewhere and Fig. Filmed in Macau, Fig was selected in competition in the 10th China Independent Film Festival. Over the years, Vincent has produced a number of independent films, including feature films End of Love, which was selected in the 2009 Berlin International Film Festival, and Tête-Bêche, as well as documentaries Yellowing and Lost in the Fumes. Vincent was the Artistic Director of Ying E Chi and the curator of the Hong Kong Independent Film Festival.

粵語對白 | 中英文字幕 | 90 分鐘 | 2001 | 彩色




崔允信九三年開始參與獨立製作,曾獲得香港獨立短片及錄像比賽獎項,九七年與其他獨立電影工作者組成影意志,宣傳及發行香港獨立製作,同年與許鞍華導演合導紀錄片“去日苦多”,於二零零一年完成其首部長片《憂憂愁愁的走了》,獲邀參加多個國際影展,之後拍攝梁家輝主演的《追蹤眼前人》, 成為了零四年台北電影節閉幕電影及莫斯科國際電影節競賽電影。其後亦完成廖啟智主演的《三條窄路》、《愛情萬歲》和在澳門拍攝的《無花果》,後者為第十屆中國獨立影像年度展競賽電影。監製過多部獨立電影,其中《愛到盡》曾入圍2009年柏林國際電影節,最近期監製了獨立劇情長片《對倒》、與及兩部紀錄長片《亂世備忘》和《地厚天高》。過去曾為影意志藝術總監,香港獨立電影節策展人。

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