Online Forum
Survey Study on Hong Kong Residents Recently Arrived in Canada (Wave 2)
Date: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Time: 08:00-08:30 PST (English) 08:30-09:00 PST (Cantonese)
日期: 2025年2月19日 (星期三)
時間: 08:00-08:30 PST (英文) 08:30-09:00 PST (廣東話)
The political turmoil in Hong Kong has generated a new wave of Hong Kongers arrived Canada since 2015. To follow up with the previous surveys on this group of newcomers, UBC-V School of Social Work research team, the Department of Sociology Infrastructure and Integration Lab, and Hong Kong Studies Initiative conducted a second wave of online survey in last October. The purposes of the study were to help Canadian government and social service organizations better understand the needs of recently arrived/returned Hong Kong residents and to provide better settlement, health and mental health services to them. In this webinar, the research team will present some key findings of this survey particularly related to their mental health conditions. Representatives of two community partners, Chinese Family Services of Ontario and Hong Kong Companion, will also share their insights generated from these findings.
自 2015 年以來,香港的政治動蕩催生了新一波香港人抵達加拿大。承接之前對這組新移民的調查,不列顛哥倫比亞大學(溫哥華)社會工作學院研究團隊、聯同社會學系基礎設施與融合實驗室,和共研香江,在去年十月中進行了第二波在線調查。這項研究的目的是讓加拿大政府和社會服務機構能更好地瞭解這群最新抵達加拿大的新移民的需要,並為他們提供更好的安置、健康和心理健康服務。在本次網上進行的報告會中,研究團隊將介紹這項調查的一些主要研究結果,特別是與他們的心理健康情況有關。另外,兩個是項研究的社區合作夥伴,家和(安省)和港伴(溫哥華) 的代表,也將提出他們對這些結果在服務和支持這群新移民,特別是在心理健康上,的見解。
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