Recent Publications

Check out Dr. Christopher Rea of UBC Asian Studies’ new work on early Chinese cinema. .  . .

Congratulations to Director of the UBC Institute of Asian Research and HKSI Associate Dr. Timothy Cheek on the publication of this timely volume. . .

Check out this latest piece by Dr. Miu Chung Yan of the School of Social Work on the return of returnees.

Congratulations to HKSI Associate Dr. Josephine Chiu-Duke (and co-translator Dr. Michael S. Duke) on the publication of the translation of the memoir by Prof. Yü Ying-shih 余英時教授, whose connections with Hong Kong could be traced to as early as 1950 when he became one of the first students of the newly-established New Asia College 新亞書院.

Check out the latest publications by HKSI Associates Dr. Hedy Law, Christopher Rea, and Miu Chung Yan.

Included in this series are articles by HKSI Associates Drs. Diana Lary, Pitman Potter, and Leo Shin.

Congratulations to HKSI Associate and Director of the UBC Cantonese Language Program Raymond Pai on his latest publication.

Congratulations to HKSI Associate Dr. Miu Chung Yan on the publication of his latest journal article.

  In Voices from the Chinese Century: Public Intellectual Debate in China, authors Timothy Cheek, David Ownby, and Joshua A. Fogel, explore questions such as the relationship of political and economic reforms; the distinctiveness of China’s history and what to take from its traditions; what can or should be learned from the West; and how […]

Excellent interview with friends of HKSI Drs. Betsy and Graham Johnson on their new book on Tsuen Wan (